API Overview

API access is included in our premium subscriptions. You are free to develop or test with any subscription, but production usage is not supported for other subscriptions. Check out our pricing page (http://maestroconference.com/pricing/buy) or contact support to upgrade your account.

MaestroConference has three sets of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) which allow for computer to computer communication. The API would be used by your web developer, to create a more integrated experience for people to access their PIN or to integrate other systems with MaestroConference.

The most commonly used is "Conference Management" which allows customers to create, query, and modify conferences (with pins, scheduled conference times, etc.).

A typical use of the Conference Management API would be if you have a membership area or database, and want people to see their PINs within that, or include the PINs in your own emails. You'd have people register through your process, get a PIN from our server as needed via the API (usually within about a second), and then your system would store that PIN and render it in the emails or within their membership information.

The "Conductor API" accesses an event in progress: for example you can create breakout groups, detect hands or put them up and down, adjust microphones etc. The Conductor API would typically be used to capture who is pressing a certain key at a certain time, or to do custom breakout logic.

The "Leads" API is for accessing people who may have Opted In to an offer of yours via our platform - currently though our OneTouch OptIn (tm) feature.

The follow documents provide all the information needed. Just log-in and click on the links below to download the documentation.


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